Virtual and In-Person
Personal Training

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You don’t have to starve yourself.

You don’t have to spend hours a day in a gym. You don’t have to punish yourself for indulging every now and then. I don’t do any of these things.

I make myself a priority.

I make sure to get my 30-45 minute workout in 5-6 days a week, I portion control what I eat, watch my carb intake and try to avoid sugar. I MAKE MYSELF A PRIORITY AND INVEST IN MYSELF! Yes, I’m a mom, a wife, a friend, a sister, and a trainer, but I can’t be any of that if I put myself at the bottom of the list.

Take care of yourself so you can take care of others.

And that means INVESTING in yourself! If you’re okay with spending hundreds of dollars during the week and on the weekends on things that give you temporary satisfaction but really don’t do anything for you, but you’re NOT okay with spending that kind of money on your health and fitness, something that WILL do amazing things for you, then you are the problem. You need to change your priorities and help yourself!

Let me help you!

Believe it or not, your health and fitness are a priority and should be at the top of your list. Let’s get your health and fitness on track TOGETHER! I promise it will be the best investment you make!

Your partner in health,


PS. Send me a message so we can talk through the details together.

“Having the right mindset and attitude can change your life.”

Three Ways to Sweat with Sagan


Personal Training

Personal Training

Online HIIT Classes
3x Each Week